Enabled Part I – Equipped for Good Works (Chapter 8 of God’s Reign)

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “Enabled Part I – Equipped for Good Works (Chapter 8 of God’s Reign)”

Soul Purity

I think that there is a lot of confusion in the church about having a pure soul and how to get it. Outward conformance to a set of rules is not soul purity. This approach often leads to self righteous pride. Self righteous pride is what Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for.Continue reading “Soul Purity”

Inner Transformation

Inner transformation is a central theme of the Christian Faith.  It is perhaps the most useful indication of a person’s genuine conversion and a central part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).  Jesus says you will know them by their fruit.  See Self Deception Part I, Part II, and Part III for aContinue reading “Inner Transformation”

Self Deception Part II – Carnal Christian

In Self-Deception Part I, we discussed people who believe they were going to heaven, but actually had no relationship with Jesus.  We discussed seeking evidence of fruit in our lives as proof of our salvation and we discussed learning to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us renewing our heart and mind to becomeContinue reading “Self Deception Part II – Carnal Christian”

Heart Transformation

There are so many good choices for practices that we Christians can engage in to help us become Christ- Like. Many, many, books have been written on this subject.  Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline is one that influenced me heavily as a young man.  Richard is a wise teacher and has a clear picture ofContinue reading “Heart Transformation”