A Phenomenal Life – A Bible Study

Edie Bakker – Author of Phenomenal Life

Jesus Christ came into the world over 2,000 years ago to change the world. But how did he change the world? And how can he change you? He can make your life a phenomenal life! This step-by-step study, based on the holy living Bible, shows you how. The study requires a Bible, which can easily be downloaded. All the basics are covered, from how he can enter your life, to how you can enter his, and how together with him, you can change the world around you too!

The Author Edie Bakker

Edie Bakker learned to apply Scripture and gained knowledge and insight to overcome her own extremely difficult circumstances and pain, through much prayer, study, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. She has a Bachelor’s in Anthropology and has the equivalent of an MFA. She led two expeditions to save a rainforest and wrote about them for National Geographic Magazine. Edie was raised in Papua New Guinea, the daughter of Christian missionaries. She teaches a weekly Bible class where she lives in Costa Rica. Her books include a memoir, a true-life adventure story, a self-help book, and the Christian fiction books What Matters Most, Chrissy: An End Times Adventure, and Shining Armor. Her books can be found on Amazon.com under Edie Bakker.


This study is dedicated to my dearest son, who told me when he was five years old, “Mommy, tell me everything you know!” It is in that spirit that I write this book.

Citations from Scripture and Translations

The majority of the scripture citations in this book are based on the New Living Translation of the Bible. The study does not place the full scripture quote intentionally. The reader is expected to look up the verses as a part of the study. The study cites a relevant clip tied directly to the point made in the scripture attached.  As with all scripture reading, prayer meditation and extended other reading for context, is important to get the full benefit of each passage of scripture. If other versions of scripture are used the translation will be identified at the end of the citation.  This is done to provide clarity when the author believes the other translation provides more clarity than the NLT.

For those who are unfamiliar with the New Living Translation, it is a true Holy Bible along with many other versions. It is used primarily because it is easy for a modern reader to understand. But there are other reasons as well.  Here are some of them:

1.         Languages change all the time, even when they are written down. We no longer speak the language of King James. Nor do we understand it. Understanding the Bible is paramount.

2.         The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek and has to be translated into English. Languages are not translated word for word, as has been the case of many translations. If you translate word for word from any language to any other language, you will get the concepts wrong. This is true even for similar modern languages such as English and Spanish.

3.         Translating the Bible is an advanced science. Like any science it is improving all the time. When the King James was written, it was translated by monks with little or no education in language, Biblical culture or history. By comparison, 90 modern and highly educated scholars in these fields from many theological backgrounds and denominations, were amassed to translate the New Living Translation and it continues to be up-dated as new facts are learned.

There is much to be said for comparing several modern translations in order to attain a most thorough understanding of the Bible, given that it is impossible for us to truly understand the Hebrew and Greek, even for those who speak them. You are encouraged to compare any or all verses with the translation of your choice if you have any doubt about the meaning here. Always pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom when reading scripture.

Whatever Bible you choose, you should read the verses along with the study content. They tell much more than I have told and are the Holy Scriptures which you may or may not interpret differently.

Note: Links to the Weekly Study will be active as the studies are posted

Week 1: Child of God  

Week 2: Prayer  

Week 3: Prayer for ourselves  

Week 4: What is sin?  

Week 5: How to keep from sinning  

Week 6: Why we don’t want to sin  

Week 7: Deliverance  

Week 8: Forgiving  

Week 9: Light  

Week 10: Spirit vs. Feelings  

Week 11: Rewards  

Week 12: God’s message versus man’s ideas  

Week 13: God’s Kingdom –Process  

Week 14: God’s Kingdom –Privileges  

Week 15: God’s Kingdom –Possibilities                  [A] Hearing the Holy Spirit

Week 16: God’s Kingdom Possibilities                  [B] The gifts of the Spirit

Week 17: God’s Kingdom –Possibilities                  [C] Miracles

Week 18: Suffering for a Purpose

Week 19: Continuous prayer  

Week 20: Pass it on 

Acknowledgments and Preface

I would like to thank three men who helped hone this study into what it is; my husband, Rob Bakker; and neighbors, Bernal Thalman and Douglas De Ford.

We decided to have a Bible Study together, and I, having had the most experience with the Christian life, was to lead. Being a woman, and out of respect for the men, I decided to teach the lesson by sharing scriptures in both English and Spanish. These led to ardent discussions that often lasted two hours. I didn’t hold anything back, so you will not find this published by a company with controls on what could be said. I shared from my heart, and from my 55 years as a Christian through all kinds of suffering, struggles, and experiences with many denominations.

The men didn’t hold anything back either. They argued and openly challenged many of the scriptures, let alone my beliefs.

It must be said, that my beliefs and the scriptures are two very different things. I have included the references to the scriptures so you may read and interpret them yourselves. What I got out of them and my experiences are simply that. They are not to be taken as God’s word, but as ideas that have brought me much joy and resolution!

The lives of my two neighbors have been transformed through this study! That is what has led me to record it. Perhaps it may transform the lives of others.

Please, as you read through this, have an open mind and seek the Holy Spirit yourself to guide you as you read the scriptures. Pray that you will hear the truth from Jesus himself. Do not follow me! The church today has lost its flavor because it has relied on the teachings of pastors and leaders and forgotten that we each can have a direct connection with the Holy Spirit himself. Jesus Christ is our only Lord and Savior. No denomination, political entity, or spiritual leader can take the place of that! May you be blessed as you read these verses, whatever you think of the rest of the content of the study!

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