God’s Reign Chapter 5

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s Reign Chapter 5”

Beasts Among Us

Goerge MacDonald was a Congregational Minister who preached and taught in the mid-1850s.  He was radical and was at odds with his denomination. His understanding of Kingdom reality departed too much from the church’s understanding to be considered acceptable to them. He ultimately found more success as a creative writer of poems and short storiesContinue reading “Beasts Among Us”

God’s Reign Chapter 4

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s Reign Chapter 4”

God’s REIGN: Chapter 3

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s REIGN: Chapter 3”

Easter and Ego

As I walked the half mile from my hotel room towards the Arc-De-Triumph this morning, I pondered the word, Ego. A Latin word for self, adapted by Freud, in his attempt to quantify the various inner drivers that motivate mankind to speak, feel, and act. The word is much older than Freud. Discussions about self,Continue reading “Easter and Ego”

God’s REIGN: Chapter 2

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s REIGN: Chapter 2”

God’s REIGN: Chapter 1

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s REIGN: Chapter 1”

God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us

This is the first of a serie of weekly posts that will publish this book online. This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe toContinue reading “God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us”

Bible and Culture V – The Great Multitude

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. AndContinue reading “Bible and Culture V – The Great Multitude”

The Bible & Culture Part III – Our Culture Influences Our Connection To God

For some of you, the very title of this post causes you to bristle a little. You were raised in a Christian Tradition that taught you that there were only a small number of people who have this Christianity stuff figured out and that the rest of us are on a broad road to eternalContinue reading “The Bible & Culture Part III – Our Culture Influences Our Connection To God”