God’s REIGN: Chapter 3

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s REIGN: Chapter 3”

Easter and Ego

As I walked the half mile from my hotel room towards the Arc-De-Triumph this morning, I pondered the word, Ego. A Latin word for self, adapted by Freud, in his attempt to quantify the various inner drivers that motivate mankind to speak, feel, and act. The word is much older than Freud. Discussions about self,Continue reading “Easter and Ego”

God’s REIGN: Chapter 1

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s REIGN: Chapter 1”

God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us

This is the first of a serie of weekly posts that will publish this book online. This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe toContinue reading “God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us”

God Came to Earth as a Baby to Birth A Kingdom

Note:  All scripture is from the YouVerse Bible New Living Translation 2021 Jesus’ Origin “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life toContinue reading “God Came to Earth as a Baby to Birth A Kingdom”

The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd

This book profoundly impacted my understanding of the Christian’s mission to bring God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in the heavenly realms. I have embraced this mission for most of my adult life and have labored long and hard beside many others seeking to accomplish this objective. Still, having that mission so clearly articulatedContinue reading “The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd”

Knowing and Doing

All of us are ugly sometimes, and some of us are ugly most of the time. How do we become ugly less often? It takes time, but it can be done. As a child of Missionary parents, I spent much of my childhood in and around churches and ministries. After I grew up and gotContinue reading “Knowing and Doing”

Managing our Imaginings:

Our imagination is such a personal and sacred space that we hesitate to provide any guidance on it.  Our modern society takes offense to the very idea of managing our imagination. And yet Jesus spoke about it often. In his great sermon, he said these incredible words:  “You have heard that the ancients were told,Continue reading “Managing our Imaginings:”