Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey – A Book Review

I just finished reading a memoir by Philip Yancey that will stay with me for a while. Perhaps for the rest of my life. This book is a masterpiece work shining a light on generational abuse, mental illness, and Christian Fundamentalist thought in the context of the southern white evangelical church. The message of HopeContinue reading “Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey – A Book Review”

Soul Purity

I think that there is a lot of confusion in the church about having a pure soul and how to get it. Outward conformance to a set of rules is not soul purity. This approach often leads to self righteous pride. Self righteous pride is what Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for.Continue reading “Soul Purity”

A Phenomenal Life – Wk 9: Light

We are to be light John 1:4-5   Jesus is the light and the darkness can’t put it out. When he was five, my son said about the “monsters under the bed.” “Mommy, the light makes the dark all better!” How profound! Light makes darkness go away and fixes everything, but darkness can’t make light goContinue reading “A Phenomenal Life – Wk 9: Light”

1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 28 – Jesus, Light of the World

Reading John 8 John 8 is a difficult chapter to read precisely because Jesus is being so careful with his words.  Have you ever had a conversation with someone who strongly disagreed with you on something?  You had the conversation knowing full well you were not going to change their minds, but the things neededContinue reading “1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 28 – Jesus, Light of the World”

One Thousand Gifts – Ann Voskamp

One thousand gifts has inspired me to be more thankful to God, to be present in each moment, and to embrace my reality as it is instead of how I believe it should be. A raw account of embracing Gods beauty in a difficult world! Ann Voskamp does a powerful job of connecting Jesus’ actContinue reading “One Thousand Gifts – Ann Voskamp”

The Sermon on the Hill (retold)

The following is a modern retelling of the sermon taken from my book Christ and His Bride I have purposely crafted this retelling with a modern western reader in mind using the concept of blessing being associated with inheritance and the practice of merit-based adoption as a central theme in the meaning behind the blessing.Continue reading “The Sermon on the Hill (retold)”

1Yr 4 Gospel Study Wk 6 – John, Jesus, and the Disciples

This Week Reading: John 1 Note on the timing of the writing of the book of John: My understanding of the Book of John is that it was the last of the four Gospels written. John introduces us to God on a more spiritual level than the other Gospels do, but he also seeks toContinue reading “1Yr 4 Gospel Study Wk 6 – John, Jesus, and the Disciples”