God’s Reign Chapter 5

This content is unique copyrighted material by Jamey Dye and is available in Kendal or paperback through Amazon using this link: God’s REIGN: The Kingdom Among Us I publish here to provide my readers with what I believe to be a powerful and useful way to engage God and the Bible. Please do not downloadContinue reading “God’s Reign Chapter 5”

Christlikeness Post 2: Embracing His Abundance

Bimonthly Post _ It was my intent to take the summer off and return to weekly posts in September. I have changed my mind and will begin posting twice monthly.  I will post a Christlikeness post on the first and third Friday of each month. A Deeper Dive is Available _ Throughout this post IContinue reading “Christlikeness Post 2: Embracing His Abundance”

Inner Transformation

Inner transformation is a central theme of the Christian Faith.  It is perhaps the most useful indication of a person’s genuine conversion and a central part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).  Jesus says you will know them by their fruit.  See Self Deception Part I, Part II, and Part III for aContinue reading “Inner Transformation”

Self Deception Part III – Wolves Among Us

Once we embrace the notion that Christians can be deceived as discussed in “Self-Deception Part I” and “Self-Deception Part II”, then we will naturally start looking at other Christians with some concern and ask ourselves if they are deceived. The notion of false teachers existing in the church is in most of the gospel writings.Continue reading “Self Deception Part III – Wolves Among Us”

Extreme Grace

Adapted from Christ and His Bride by Jamey Dye [All scripture references are from the NIV unless otherwise stated] There will always be a gap between our expectation and reality. Whether it is our failure to understand the Bible, or our failure to live up to how we (or others) imagined us to be. TheContinue reading “Extreme Grace”