Supernatural Part IV – Celebrate the Unnoticed

I grew up in a household full of stories about the supernatural. Stories about healing, the wind and rain obeying, and a dream that saved a house. These stories were, in fact, true. Some of them have been captured for you on this site and in my book, From Fear to Freedom. As I grewContinue reading “Supernatural Part IV – Celebrate the Unnoticed”

Revolution by George Barna

It is not too often that I come across a book that reshapes my understanding of reality.  This one has.  I stumbled on the book while doing research on the Western Church, and could not put it down. George Barna, the lead researcher for Barna surveys for many years, presents a new way of thinkingContinue reading “Revolution by George Barna”

We Need a Faith Community to Thrive – Bible &Culture Part I

Based on my experience, the research of others, and my reading of the Bible, I have concluded that the working out of our salvation as described in the following text is intended to be done in our community: When young teenage Bowi (in the red dress) married Bagai she became responsible for caring for hisContinue reading “We Need a Faith Community to Thrive – Bible &Culture Part I”

We Thank God for His Goodness

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” James 1:17 NASB The US and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving in the fall harvest of each year. We were taught in school that this tradition was to commemorate theContinue reading “We Thank God for His Goodness”

Knowing and Doing

All of us are ugly sometimes, and some of us are ugly most of the time. How do we become ugly less often? It takes time, but it can be done. As a child of Missionary parents, I spent much of my childhood in and around churches and ministries. After I grew up and gotContinue reading “Knowing and Doing”

Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey – A Book Review

I just finished reading a memoir by Philip Yancey that will stay with me for a while. Perhaps for the rest of my life. This book is a masterpiece work shining a light on generational abuse, mental illness, and Christian Fundamentalist thought in the context of the southern white evangelical church. The message of HopeContinue reading “Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey – A Book Review”

Break Bread and Give Thanks

The Road to Emmaus by Rembrandt, 1648 When Jesus wanted to feed the 5,000, he asked his disciples to collect the food available, and they found five loaves of bread and two fish. “Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did theContinue reading Break Bread and Give Thanks

Christlikeness Post 11: Power Part I – Trust and Obey

Obedience is a word that most of us modern western evangelicals absolutely hate. When I compare my study Bible passage published in 1987 to the same translation today, the word obedience is edited away in certain key passages. This concerns and frustrates me. Submitting to power is very un-protestant like. Our founder, Martin Luther, beganContinue reading “Christlikeness Post 11: Power Part I – Trust and Obey”