Eternal Resolution Part 2 – Which God Do We Trust?

In my journey to reflect on my parent’s legacy I am currently focused on my father’s thesis, Bible Translation Strategy – An Analysis of Spiritual Impact by T. Wayne Dye. In that document, I stumbled on this interesting description of our most important life resolution: “A relevant step of faith can be analyzed in termsContinue reading “Eternal Resolution Part 2 – Which God Do We Trust?”

Soul Purity

I think that there is a lot of confusion in the church about having a pure soul and how to get it. Outward conformance to a set of rules is not soul purity. This approach often leads to self righteous pride. Self righteous pride is what Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for.Continue reading “Soul Purity”

A Phenomenal Life — Wk 15: God’s Kingdom –Possibilities

Hearing from the Holy Spirit Real LOVE is the difference between the Holy Spirit and other voices. John 10:26-27   We can hear His voice! If we are God’s sheep (i.e. His children), he says we can recognize his voice. Other people can’t, but we can. 1 John 4:1-3   Test if it is the Holy Spirit.Continue reading “A Phenomenal Life — Wk 15: God’s Kingdom –Possibilities”

1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 29 – A Seeing Man in a Blind Nation

Reading John 9 – 10 Psalm 23 Context As near as I can tell from the context and the clues in John, Jesus stays in or around Jerusalem for a few weeks after the Feast of Tents. He slips away regularly and the Jewish leaders look for him, but are unable to find him.  ItContinue reading “1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 29 – A Seeing Man in a Blind Nation”

Discernment Expanded

All scripture in NLT unless otherwise noted. This post is an expanded version of something posted last year and has been made into its own page. ‘When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and theyContinue reading “Discernment Expanded”

1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 25 – The Big Reveal

Reading Matthew 16:13-17:13 Mark 8:27-9:13 Luke 9:18-37 All Scripture is in the NIV unless otherwise noted. Jesus continues to move farther north away from the Jewish leaders and Jerusalem. At this point he is way up in northern Israel in a town named Caesarea Philippi.  This was a pagan place with a pagan name, aContinue reading “1 Yr 4 Gospel Wk 25 – The Big Reveal”